Vocabulary : Subsumable to Subtend
Subsumable : Capable of being subsumed.
Subsume : To take up into or under, as individual under species, species under genus, or particular under universal; to place (any one cognition) under another as belonging to it; to include under something else.
Subsumption : The act of subsuming, or of including under another. ;; That which is subsumed, as the minor clause or premise of a syllogism.
Subsumptive : Relating to, or containing, a subsumption.
Subtangent : The part of the axis contained between the ordinate and tangent drawn to the same point in a curve.
Subtartarean : Being or living under Tartarus; infernal.
Subtectacle : A space under a roof; a tabernacle; a dwelling.
Subtegulaneous : Under the roof or eaves; within doors.
Subtenant : One who rents a tenement, or land, etc., of one who is also a tenant; an undertenant.
Subtend : To extend under, or be opposed to; as, the line of a triangle which subtends the right angle; the chord subtends an arc.
: Subtended, Subtending, Subtense, Subtepid, Subterete, Subterfluent, Subterfluous, Subterfuge, Subterrane, Subterraneal
: Substruct, Substruction, Substructure, Substylar, Substyle, Subsulphate, Subsulphide, Subsultive, Subsultory, Subsultus
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary