Vocabulary : Subulicornes to Suburbed
Subulicornes : A division of insects having slender or subulate antennae. The dragon flies and May flies are examples.
Subuliform : Subulate.
Subulipalp : One of a group of carabid beetles having slender palpi.
Subumbonal : Beneath or forward of the umbos of a bivalve shell.
Subumbrella : The integument of the under surface of the bell, or disk-shaped body, of a jellyfish.
Subundation : A flood; a deluge.
Subungual : Under the nail or hoof.
Suburb : An outlying part of a city or town; a smaller place immediately adjacent to a city; in the plural, the region which is on the confines of any city or large town; as, a house stands in the suburbs; a garden situated in the suburbs of Paris. ;; Hence, the confines; the outer part; the environment.
Suburban : Of or pertaining to suburbs; inhabiting, or being in, the suburbs of a city. ;; One who dwells in the suburbs.
Suburbed : Having a suburb or suburbs on its outer part.
: Suburbial, Suburbian, Suburbicarian, Suburbicary, Suburethral, Subvaginal, Subvariety, Subvene, Subvened, Subvening
: Subtriplicate, Subtropical, Subtrude, Subtruded, Subtruding, Subturriculate, Subtutor, Subtypical, Subulate, Subulated
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary