Vocabulary : Sudatoria to Sudorific
Sudatoria : of Sudatorium
Sudatories : of Sudatory
Sudatorium : A sudatory.
Sudatory : Sweating; perspiring. ;; A bagnio; a sweating bath; a vapor bath.
Sudd : A tangled mass of floating vegetal matter obstructing navigation.
Sudden : Happening without previous notice or with very brief notice; coming unexpectedly, or without the common preparation; immediate; instant; speedy. ;; Hastly prepared or employed; quick; rapid. ;; Hasty; violent; rash; precipitate. ;; Suddenly; unexpectedly. ;; An unexpected occurrence; a surprise.
Suddenty : Suddenness; a sudden.
Sudoral : Of or pertaining to sweat; as, sudoral eruptions.
Sudoriferous : Producing, or secreting, sweat; sudoriparous.
Sudorific : Causing sweat; as, sudorific herbs. ;; A sudorific medicine. Cf. Diaphoretic.
: Sudoriparous, Sudorous, Sudra, Suds, Sue, Sued, Suede, Suent, Suently, Suer
: Sucrose, Suction, Suctoria, Suctorial, Suctorian, Suctorious, Sudamina, Sudarium, Sudary, Sudation
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary