Vocabulary : Suine to Suited
Suine : A mixture of oleomargarine with lard or other fatty ingredients. It is used as a substitute for butter. See Butterine.
Suing : of Sue ;; The process of soaking through anything.
Suingly : In succession; afterwards.
Suint : A peculiar substance obtained from the wool of sheep, consisting largely of potash mixed with fatty and earthy matters. It is used as a source of potash and also for the manufacture of gas.
Suist : One who seeks for things which gratify merely himself; a selfish person; a selfist.
Suit : The act of following or pursuing, as game; pursuit. ;; The act of suing; the process by which one endeavors to gain an end or an object; an attempt to attain a certain result; pursuit; endeavor. ;; The act of wooing in love; the solicitation of a woman in marriage; courtship. ;; The attempt to gain an end by legal process; an action or process for the recovery of a right or claim; legal application to a court for justice; prosecution of right before any tribunal; as, a civil suit; a criminal suit; a suit in chancery. ;; That which follows as a retinue; a company of attendants or followers; the assembly of persons who attend upon a prince, magistrate, or other person of distinction; -- often written suite, and pronounced sw/t. ;; Things that follow in a series or succession; the individual objects, collectively considered, which constitute a series, as of rooms, buildings, compositions, etc.; -- often written suite, and pronounced sw/t. ;; A number of things used together, and generally necessary to be united
Suitability : The quality or state of being suitable; suitableness.
Suitable : Capable of suiting; fitting; accordant; proper; becoming; agreeable; adapted; as, ornaments suitable to one's station; language suitable for the subject.
Suite : A retinue or company of attendants, as of a distinguished personage; as, the suite of an ambassador. See Suit, n., 5. ;; A connected series or succession of objects; a number of things used or clessed together; a set; as, a suite of rooms; a suite of minerals. See Suit, n., 6. ;; One of the old musical forms, before the time of the more compact sonata, consisting of a string or series of pieces all in the same key, mostly in various dance rhythms, with sometimes an elaborate prelude. Some composers of the present day affect the suite form.
Suited : of Suit
: Suiting, Suitor, Suitress, Suji, Sula, Sulcate, Sulcated, Sulcation, Sulci, Sulciform
: Suggillation, Sui generis, Suicidal, Suicide, Suicidical, Suicidism, Suicism, Suigothus, Suillage, Suilline
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary