Vocabulary : Sunburn to Sunder
Sunburn : To burn or discolor by the sun; to tan. ;; The burning or discoloration produced on the skin by the heat of the sun; tan.
Sunburned : of Sunburn
Sun-burner : A circle or cluster of gas-burners for lighting and ventilating public buildings.
Sunburning : of Sunburn ;; Sunburn; tan.
Sunburnt : of Sunburn
Sunburst : A burst of sunlight.
Suncup : A yellow flowered evening primrose (Taraxia, syn. Oenothera, ovata) native of California.
Sundart : Sunbeam.
Sunday : The first day of the week, -- consecrated among Christians to rest from secular employments, and to religious worship; the Christian Sabbath; the Lord's Day. ;; Belonging to the Christian Sabbath.
Sunder : To disunite in almost any manner, either by rending, cutting, or breaking; to part; to put or keep apart; to separate; to divide; to sever; as, to sunder a rope; to sunder a limb; to sunder friends. ;; To part; to separate. ;; A separation into parts; a division or severance. ;; To expose to the sun and wind.
: Sundered, Sundering, Sundew, Sundial, Sundog, Sundown, Sundowner, Sun-dried, Sundries, Sundrily
: Sumptuary, Sumptuosity, Sumptuous, Sun, Sun star, Sunbeam, Sunbird, Sunblink, Sunbonnet, Sunbow
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary