Vocabulary : Superabundant to Superangelic
Superabundant : Abounding to excess; being more than is sufficient; redundant; as, superabundant zeal.
Superacidulated : Acidulated to excess.
Superadd : To add over and above; to add to what has been added; to annex, as something extrinsic.
Superadded : of Superadd
Superadding : of Superadd
Superaddition : The act of adding something in excess or something extraneous; also, something which is added in excess or extraneously.
Superadvenient : Coming upon; coming in addition to, or in assistance of, something.
Superalimentation : The act of overfeeding, or making one take food in excess of the natural appetite for it.
Superaltar : A raised shelf or stand on the back of an altar, on which different objects can be placed; a predella or gradino.
Superangelic : Superior to the angels in nature or rank.
: Superannuate, Superannuated, Superannuating, Superannuation, Superb, Superbiate, Supercarbonate, Supercarbureted, Supercargo, Supercarpal
: Sunward, Sunwise, Sup, Supawn, Supe, Super, Super-, Superable, Superabound, Superabundance
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary