Vocabulary : Supra-ethmoid to Supraloral

Supra-ethmoid : Above, or on the dorsal side of, the ethmoid bone or cartilage.
Suprafoliaceous : Inserted into the stem above the leaf, petiole, or axil, as a peduncle or flower.
Supraglotic : Situated above the glottis; -- applied to that part of the cavity of the larynx above the true vocal cords.
Suprahepatic : Situated over, or on the dorsal side of, the liver; -- applied to the branches of the hepatic veins.
Suprahyoid : Hyomental.
Supra-ilium : The cartilaginous cap at the sacral end of the ilium of some animals.
Supralapsarian : One of that class of Calvinists who believed that God's decree of election determined that man should fall, in order that the opportunity might be furnished of securing the redemption of a part of the race, the decree of salvation being conceived of as formed before or beyond, and not after or following, the lapse, or fall. Cf. Infralapsarian. ;; Of or pertaining to the Supralapsarians, or their doctrine.
Supralapsarianism : The doctrine, belief, or principles of the Supralapsarians.
Supralapsary : Supralapsarian. ;; A Supralapsarian.
Supraloral : Situated above the lores; as, the supraloral feathers of a bird. ;; A supraloral feather.
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