Vocabulary : Surinam toad to Surmisable
Surinam toad : A species of toad native of Surinam. See Pipa.
Surintendant : Superintendent.
Surlily : In a surly manner.
Surliness : The quality or state of being surly.
Surling : A sour, morose fellow.
Surloin : A loin of beef, or the upper part of the loin. See Sirloin, the more usual, but not etymologically preferable, orthography.
Surly : Arrogant; haughty. ;; Gloomily morose; ill-natured, abrupt, and rude; severe; sour; crabbed; rough; sullen; gloomy; as, a surly groom; a surly dog; surly language; a surly look. ;; Rough; dark; tempestuous.
Surmark : A mark made on the molds of a ship, when building, to show where the angles of the timbers are to be placed.
Surmen : of Surfman
Surmisable : Capable of being surmised; as, a surmisable result.
: Surmisal, Surmise, Surmised, Surmiser, Surmising, Surmount, Surmountable, Surmounted, Surmounter, Surmounting
: Surgent, Surgeon, Surgeoncy, Surgeonry, Surgery, Surgical, Surgically, Surging, Surgy, Suricat
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary