Vocabulary : Sway-bracing to Swearing
Sway-bracing : The horizontal bracing of a bridge, which prevents its swaying.
Swayed : of Sway ;; Bent down, and hollow in the back; sway-backed; -- said of a horse.
Swayful : Able to sway.
Swaying : of Sway ;; An injury caused by violent strains or by overloading; -- said of the backs of horses.
Sweal : To melt and run down, as the tallow of a candle; to waste away without feeding the flame. ;; To singe; to scorch; to swale; as, to sweal a pig by singeing off the hair.
Swealed : of Sweal
Swealing : of Sweal
Swear : To affirm or utter a solemn declaration, with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed; to make a promise, threat, or resolve on oath; also, to affirm solemnly by some sacred object, or one regarded as sacred, as the Bible, the Koran, etc. ;; To give evidence on oath; as, to swear to the truth of a statement; he swore against the prisoner. ;; To make an appeal to God in an irreverant manner; to use the name of God or sacred things profanely; to call upon God in imprecation; to curse. ;; To utter or affirm with a solemn appeal to God for the truth of the declaration; to make (a promise, threat, or resolve) under oath. ;; To put to an oath; to cause to take an oath; to administer an oath to; -- ofetn followed by in or into; as, to swear witnesses; to swear a jury; to swear in an officer; he was sworn into office. ;; To declare or charge upon oath; as, he swore treason against his friend. ;; To appeal to by an oath.
Swearer : One who swears; one who calls God to witness for the truth of his declaration. ;; A profane person; one who uses profane language.
Swearing : of Swear ;; a. & n. from Swear, v.
: Sweat, Sweated, Sweater, Sweatily, Sweatiness, Sweating, Sweaty, Swede, Swedenborgian, Swedenborgianism
: Swate, Swath, Swathe, Swathed, Swather, Swathing, Swatte, Sway, Sway bar, Sway-backed
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary