Vocabulary : Synchronal to Synchronous
Synchronal : Happening at, or belonging to, the same time; synchronous; simultaneous. ;; A synchronal thing or event.
Synchronical : Happening at the same time; synchronous.
Synchronism : The concurrence of events in time; simultaneousness. ;; The tabular arrangement of historical events and personages, according to their dates. ;; A representation, in the same picture, of two or events which occured at different times.
Synchronistic : Of or pertaining to synchronism; arranged according to correspondence in time; as, synchronistic tables.
Synchronization : The act of synchronizing; concurrence of events in respect to time.
Synchronize : To agree in time; to be simultaneous. ;; To assign to the same date or period of time; as, to synchronize two events of Greek and Roman history. ;; To cause to agree in time; as, to synchronize the movements of different machines; to synchronize clocks.
Synchronized : of Synchronize
Synchronizing : of Synchronize
Synchronology : Contemporaneous chronology.
Synchronous : Happening at the same time; simultaneous.
: Synchrony, Synchysis, Syncitia, Synclastic, Synclinal, Syncline, Synclinical, Synclinoria, Synclinorium, Syncopal
: Synaxis, Syncarp, Syncarpia, Syncarpium, Syncarpous, Syncategorematic, Synchondroses, Synchondrosis, Synchondrotomy, Synchoresis
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary