Vocabulary : Syncretist to Syndesmology
Syncretist : One who attempts to unite principles or parties which are irreconcilably at variance; ;; an adherent of George Calixtus and other Germans of the seventeenth century, who sought to unite or reconcile the Protestant sects with each other and with the Roman Catholics, and thus occasioned a long and violent controversy in the Lutheran church.Syncretistic : Pertaining to, or characterized by, syncretism; as, a syncretistic mixture of the service of Jehovah and the worship of idols. ;; Of or pertaining to Syncretists.
Syncrisis : A figure of speech in which opposite things or persons are compared.
Syncytium : Tissue in which the cell or partition walls are wholly wanting and the cell bodies fused together, so that the tissue consists of a continuous mass of protoplasm in which nuclei are imbedded, as in ordinary striped muscle. ;; The ectoderm of a sponge.
Syndactyl : Alt. of Syndactyle