Vocabulary : Synepy to Syngenesian
Synepy : The interjunction, or joining, of words in uttering the clauses of sentences.
Syneresis : The union, or drawing together into one syllable, of two vowels that are ordinarily separated in syllabification; synecphonesis; -- the opposite of diaeresis. ;; Same as Synaeresis.
Synergetic : Working together; cooperating; as, synergetic muscles.
Synergism : The doctrine or theory, attributed to Melanchthon, that in the regeneration of a human soul there is a cooperation, or joint agency, on the part both of God and of man.
Synergist : One who holds the doctrine of synergism. ;; A remedy which has an action similar to that of another remedy, and hence increases the efficiency of that remedy when combined with it.
Synergistic : Of or pertaining to synergism. ;; Cooperating; synergetic.
Synergy : Combined action ;; the combined healthy action of every organ of a particular system; as, the digestive synergy. ;; An effect of the interaction of the actions of two agents such that the result of the combined action is greater than expected as a simple additive combination of the two agents acting separately. Also synergism.
Synesis : A construction in which adherence to some element in the sense causes a departure from strict syntax, as in "Philip went down to Samaria and preached Christ unto them."
Syngenesia : A Linnaean class of plants in which the stamens are united by the anthers.
Syngenesian : Alt. of Syngenesious
: Syngenesious, Syngenesis, Syngnathi, Syngraph, Synizesis, Synneorosis, Synneuroses, Synocha, Synochal, Synochus
: Syndrome, Syndyasmian, Syne, Synecdoche, Synecdochical, Synecdochically, Synechia, Synecphonesis, Synedral, Synentognathi
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary