Vocabulary : Synonymizing to Synosteology
Synonymizing : of Synonymize
Synonymous : Having the character of a synonym; expressing the same thing; conveying the same, or approximately the same, idea.
Synonyms : of Synonym
Synonymy : The quality of being synonymous; sameness of meaning. ;; A system of synonyms. ;; A figure by which synonymous words are used to amplify a discourse.
Synopses : of Synopsis
Synopsis : A general view, or a collection of heads or parts so arranged as to exhibit a general view of the whole; an abstract or summary of a discourse; a syllabus; a conspectus.
Synoptic : Alt. of Synoptical ;; One of the first three Gospels of the New Testament. See Synoptist.
Synoptical : Affording a general view of the whole, or of the principal parts of a thing; as, a synoptic table; a synoptical statement of an argument.
Synoptist : Any one of the authors of the three synoptic Gospels, which give a history of our Lord's life and ministry, in distinction from the writer of John's Gospel, which gives a fuller record of his teachings.
Synosteology : That part of anatomy which treats of joints; arthrology.
: Synosteoses, Synosteosis, Synostosis, Synovia, Synovial, Synovitis, Synpelmous, Synsepalous, Syntactic, Syntactical
: Synonyma, Synonymal, Synonymally, Synonyme, Synonymic, Synonymical, Synonymicon, Synonymist, Synonymize, Synonymized
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary