Vocabulary : Syphilologist to Syriasm
Syphilologist : One skilled in syphilology.
Syphilology : That branch of medicine which treats of syphilis.
Syphon : See Syphon.
Syracuse : A red wine of Italy.
Syren : See Siren.
Syriac : Of or pertaining to Syria, or its language; as, the Syriac version of the Pentateuch. ;; The language of Syria; especially, the ancient language of that country.
Syriacism : A Syrian idiom; a Syrianism.
Syrian : Of or pertaining to Syria; Syriac. ;; A native of Syria.
Syrianism : A Syrian idiom, or a peculiarity of the Syrian language; a Syriacism.
Syriasm : A Syrian idiom; a Syrianism; a Syriacism.
: Syringa, Syringe, Syringeal, Syringed, Syringes, Syringin, Syringing, Syringocoele, Syringotome, Syringotomy
: Syphering, Syphilide, Syphilis, Syphilitic, Syphilitically, Syphilization, Syphilize, Syphiloderm, Syphilodermatous, Syphiloid
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary