Vocabulary : Syrinx to Syruped
Syrinx : A wind instrument made of reeds tied together; -- called also pandean pipes. ;; The lower larynx in birds.
Syrma : A long dress, trailing on the floor, worn by tragic actors in Greek and Roman theaters.
Syrphian : Of or pertaining to the syrphus flies. ;; A syrphus fly.
Syrphus fly : Any one of numerous species of dipterous flies of the genus Syrphus and allied genera. They are usually bright-colored, with yellow bands, and hover around plants. The larvae feed upon plant lice, and are, therefore, very beneficial to agriculture.
Syrt : A quicksand; a bog.
Syrtes : of Syrtis
Syrtic : Of or pertaining to a syrt; resembling syrt, or quicksand.
Syrtis : A quicksand.
Syrup : A thick and viscid liquid made from the juice of fruits, herbs, etc., boiled with sugar. ;; A thick and viscid saccharine solution of superior quality (as sugarhouse sirup or molasses, maple sirup); specifically, in pharmacy and often in cookery, a saturated solution of sugar and water (simple sirup), or such a solution flavored or medicated. ;; Alt. of Syrupy
Syruped : Moistened, covered, or sweetened with sirup, or sweet juice.
: Syrupy, Syssarcosis, Systaltic, Systasis, System, Systematic, Systematical, Systematically, Systematism, Systematist
: Syringa, Syringe, Syringeal, Syringed, Syringes, Syringin, Syringing, Syringocoele, Syringotome, Syringotomy
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary