Vocabulary : Tac-au-tac to Tachometer
Tac-au-tac : The parry which is connected with a riposte; also, a series of quick attacks and parries in which neither fencer gains a point.
Tace : The cross, or church, of St. Antony. See Illust. (6), under Cross, n. ;; See Tasse.
Tacet : It is silent; -- a direction for a vocal or instrumental part to be silent during a whole movement.
Tache : Something used for taking hold or holding; a catch; a loop; a button. ;; A spot, stain, or blemish.
Tachhydrite : A hydrous chloride of calcium and magnesium occurring in yellowish masses which rapidly deliquesce upon exposure. It is found in the salt mines at Stassfurt.
Tachina : Any one of numerous species of Diptera belonging to Tachina and allied genera. Their larvae are external parasites of other insects.
Tachinae : of Tachina
Tachistoscope : An apparatus for exposing briefly to view a screen bearing letters or figures. It is used in studying the range of attention, or the power of distinguishing separate objects in a single impression.
Tachograph : A recording or registering tachometer; also, its autographic record.
Tachometer : An instrument for measuring the velocity, or indicating changes in the velocity, of a moving body or substance. ;; An instrument for measuring the velocity of running water in a river or canal, consisting of a wheel with inclined vanes, which is turned by the current. The rotations of the wheel are recorded by clockwork. ;; An instrument for showing at any moment the speed of a revolving shaft, consisting of a delicate revolving conical pendulum which is driven by the shaft, and the action of which by change of speed moves a pointer which indicates the speed on a graduated dial. ;; An instrument for measuring the velocity of the blood; a haematachometer.
: Tachometry, Tachydidaxy, Tachyglossa, Tachygraph, Tachygrapher, Tachygraphic, Tachygraphical, Tachygraphy, Tachylyte, Tachymeter
: Tabularizing, Tabulata, Tabulate, Tabulated, Tabulating, Tabulation, Tac, Tacamahac, Tacamahaca, Tacaud
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary