Vocabulary : Tapestry beetle to Tapinage

Tapestry beetle : A small black dermestoid beetle (Attagenus piceus) whose larva feeds on tapestry, carpets, silk, fur, flour, and various other goods.
Tapestrying : of Tapestry
Tapet : Worked or figured stuff; tapestry.
Tapeti : A small South American hare (Lepus Braziliensis).
Tapetis : of Tapeti
Tapetum : An area in the pigmented layer of the choroid coat of the eye in many animals, which has an iridescent or metallic luster and helps to make the eye visible in the dark. Sometimes applied to the whole layer of pigmented epithelium of the choroid.
Tapeworm : Any one of numerous species of cestode worms belonging to Taenia and many allied genera. The body is long, flat, and composed of numerous segments or proglottids varying in shape, those toward the end of the body being much larger and longer than the anterior ones, and containing the fully developed sexual organs. The head is small, destitute of a mouth, but furnished with two or more suckers (which vary greatly in shape in different genera), and sometimes, also, with hooks for adhesion to the walls of the intestines of the animals in which they are parasitic. The larvae (see Cysticercus) live in the flesh of various creatures, and when swallowed by another animal of the right species develop into the mature tapeworm in its intestine. See Illustration in Appendix.
Taphouse : A house where liquors are retailed.
Taphrenchyma : Same as Bothrenchyma.
Tapinage : A lurking or skulking.
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