Vocabulary : Tapped to Tappit hen

Tapped : of Tap
Tappen : An obstruction, or indigestible mass, found in the intestine of bears and other animals during hibernation.
Tapper : The lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopus minor); -- called also tapperer, tabberer, little wood pie, barred woodpecker, wood tapper, hickwall, and pump borer.
Tappester : A female tapster.
Tappet : A lever or projection moved by some other piece, as a cam, or intended to tap or touch something else, with a view to produce change or regulate motion.
Tappet rod : A rod carrying a tappet or tappets, as one for closing the valves in a Cornish pumping engine.
Tappice : Alt. of Tappis
Tapping : of Tap
Tappis : See Tapish.
Tappit hen : A hen having a tuft of feathers on her head. ;; A measuring pot holding one quart (according to some, three quarts); -- so called from a knob on the lid, thought to resemble a crested hen.
Next : Tappoon, Taproom, Taproot, Tapster, Taqua-nut, Tar, Taranis, Tarantass, Tarantella, Tarantism
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