Vocabulary : Tavernman to Tawery

Tavernman : The keeper of a tavern; also, a tippler.
Tavernmen : of Tavernman
Taw : Tow. ;; To push; to tug; to tow. ;; To prepare or dress, as hemp, by beating; to tew; hence, to beat; to scourge. ;; To dress and prepare, as the skins of sheep, lambs, goats, and kids, for gloves, and the like, by imbuing them with alum, salt, and other agents, for softening and bleaching them. ;; A large marble to be played with; also, a game at marbles. ;; A line or mark from which the players begin a game of marbles.
Tawdries : of Tawdry
Tawdrily : In a tawdry manner.
Tawdriness : Quality or state of being tawdry.
Tawdry : Bought at the festival of St. Audrey. ;; Very fine and showy in colors, without taste or elegance; having an excess of showy ornaments without grace; cheap and gaudy; as, a tawdry dress; tawdry feathers; tawdry colors. ;; A necklace of a rural fashion, bought at St. Audrey's fair; hence, a necklace in general.
Tawed : of Taw
Tawer : One who taws; a dresser of white leather.
Tawery : A place where skins are tawed.
Next : Tawing, Tawniness, Tawny, Tawpie, Taws, Tax, Tax certificate, Taxability, Taxable, Taxaspidean
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