Vocabulary : Taxpayer to Teaberry
Taxpayer : One who is assessed and pays a tax.
Taylor-White process : A process (invented about 1899 by Frederick W. Taylor and Maunsel B. White) for giving toughness to self-hardening steels. The steel is heated almost to fusion, cooled to a temperature of from 700 to 850 C. in molten lead, further cooled in oil, reheated to between 370 and 670 C., and cooled in air.
Tayra : A South American carnivore (Galera barbara) allied to the grison. The tail is long and thick. The length, including the tail, is about three feet.
Tazel : The teasel.
Tazza : An ornamental cup or vase with a large, flat, shallow bowl, resting on a pedestal and often having handles.
Tchawytcha : The quinnat salmon.
Tchick : A slight sound such as that made by pressing the tongue against the roof of the mouth and explosively sucking out the air at one side, as in urging on a horse. ;; To make a tchick.
Te Deum : A musical setting of the Te Deum. ;; An ancient and celebrated Christian hymn, of uncertain authorship, but often ascribed to St. Ambrose; -- so called from the first words "Te Deum laudamus." It forms part of the daily matins of the Roman Catholic breviary, and is sung on all occasions of thanksgiving. In its English form, commencing with words, "We praise thee, O God," it forms a part of the regular morning service of the Church of England and the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. ;; A religious service in which the singing of the hymn forms a principal part.
Tea : The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree (Thea, / Camellia, Chinensis). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some other countries. ;; A decoction or infusion of tea leaves in boiling water; as, tea is a common beverage. ;; Any infusion or decoction, especially when made of the dried leaves of plants; as, sage tea; chamomile tea; catnip tea. ;; The evening meal, at which tea is usually served; supper. ;; To take or drink tea.
Teaberry : The checkerberry.
: Teach, Teachable, Teachableness, Teache, Teacher, Teaching, Teachless, Teacup, Teacupful, Teacupfuls
: Taxidermy, Taxine, Taxing, Taxis, Taxless, Taxology, Taxonomic, Taxonomist, Taxonomy, Taxor
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary