Vocabulary : Tectibranch to Tectrices

Tectibranch : One of the Tectibranchiata. Also used adjectively.
Tectibranchia : Same as Tectibranchiata.
Tectibranchiata : An order, or suborder, of gastropod Mollusca in which the gills are usually situated on one side of the back, and protected by a fold of the mantle. When there is a shell, it is usually thin and delicate and often rudimentary. The aplysias and the bubble shells are examples.
Tectibranchiate : Having the gills covered by the mantle; of or pertaining to the Tectibranchiata. ;; A tectibranchiate mollusk.
Tectly : Covertly; privately; secretly.
Tectology : A division of morphology created by Haeckel; the science of organic individuality constituting the purely structural portion of morphology, in which the organism is regarded as composed of organic individuals of different orders, each organ being considered an individual. See Promorphology, and Morphon.
Tectonic : Structural. ;; Of, pert. to, or designating, the rock structures and external forms resulting from the deformation of the earth's crust; as, tectonic arches or valleys. ;; Of or pertaining to building or construction; architectural.
Tectonics : The science or art by which implements, vessels, buildings, etc., are constructed, both in relation to their use and to their artistic design. ;; The science, or the art, by which implements, vessels, dwellings, or other edifices, are constructed, both agreeably to the end for which they are designed, and in conformity with artistic sentiments and ideas.
Tectorial : Of or pertaining to covering; -- applied to a membrane immediately over the organ of Corti in the internal ear.
Tectrices : The wing coverts of a bird. See Covert, and Illust. of Bird.
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