Vocabulary : Teetering to Teetotum

Teetering : of Teeter
Teeter-tail : The spotted sandpiper. See the Note under Sandpiper.
Teeth : pl. of Tooth. ;; To breed, or grow, teeth. ;; of Tooth
Teethed : of Teeth
Teething : of Teeth ;; The process of the first growth of teeth, or the phenomena attending their issue through the gums; dentition.
Teetotal : Entire; total.
Teetotaler : One pledged to entire abstinence from all intoxicating drinks.
Teetotalism : The principle or practice of entire abstinence, esp. from intoxicating drinks.
Teetotally : Entirely; totally.
Teetotum : A child's toy, somewhat resembling a top, and twirled by the fingers.
Next : Tee-to-tum, Teetuck, Teeuck, Teewit, Teg, Tegmen, Tegmenta, Tegmental, Tegmentum, Tegmina
Previous : Teenful, Teens, Teeny, Teeong, Teest, Teeswater, Teetan, Teetee, Teeter, Teetered
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