Vocabulary : Teine to Telarly
Teine : See Teyne.
Teinland : Land granted by the crown to a thane or lord.
Teinoscope : An instrument formed by combining prisms so as to correct the chromatic aberration of the light while linear dimensions of objects seen through the prisms are increased or diminished; -- called also prism telescope.
Teint : Tint; color; tinge, See Tint.
Teinture : Color; tinge; tincture.
Tek : A Siberian ibex.
Telamones : Same as Atlantes.
Telangiectasis : Dilatation of the capillary vessels.
Telangiectasy : Telangiectasis.
Telarly : In a weblike manner.
: Telary, Telautogram, Telautograph, Telechirograph, Teledu, Telega, Telegony, Telegram, Telegrammic, Telegraph
: Teguexin, Tegula, Tegulae, Tegular, Tegulated, Tegument, Tegumentary, Te-hee, Teil, Teind
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary