Vocabulary : Telehydrobarometer to Telemotor

Telehydrobarometer : An instrument for indicating the level of water in a distant tank or reservior.
Tele-iconograph : An instrument essentially the same as the telemetrograph. ;; A form of facsimile telegraph.
Tel-el-Amarna : A station on the Nile, midway between Thebes and Memphis, forming the site of the capital of Amenophis IV., whose archive chamber was discovered there in 1887. A collection of tablets (called the Tel-el-Amarna, / the Amarna, tablets) was found here, forming the Asiatic correspondence (Tel-el-Amarna letters) of Amenophis IV. and his father, Amenophis III., written in cuneiform characters. It is an important source of our knowledge of Asia from about 1400 to 1370 b. c..
Telelectric : Of or pertaining to transmission, as of music, to a distance by electricity.
Telelectroscope : Any apparatus for making distant objects visible by the aid of electric transmission.
Telemechanic : Designating, or pert. to, any device for operating mechanisms at a distance.
Telemeteorograph : Any apparatus recording meteorological phenomena at a distance from the measuring apparatus, as by electricity or by compressed air; esp., an apparatus recording conditions at many distant stations at a central office.
Telemeter : An apparatus for recording at a distant station the indications of physical instruments such as the thermometer, galvanometer, etc. ;; An instrument used for measuring the distance of an object from an observer; as, a telescope with a micrometer for measuring the apparent diameter of an object whose real dimensions are known.
Telemetrograph : A combination of the camera lucida and telescope for drawing and measuring distant objects.
Telemotor : A hydraulic device by which the movement of the wheel on the bridge operates the steering gear at the stern.
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