Vocabulary : Teleost to Telephone exchange
Teleost : One of the Teleosti. Also used adjectively.
Teleostean : Of or pertaining to the teleosts. ;; A teleostean fish.
Teleostei : A subclass of fishes including all the ordinary bony fishes as distinguished from the ganoids.
Teleostomi : An extensive division of fishes including the ordinary fishes (Teleostei) and the ganoids.
Teleozoic : Having tissued composed of cells.
Teleozoon : A metazoan.
Telepathy : The sympathetic affection of one mind by the thoughts, feelings, or emotions of another at a distance, without communication through the ordinary channels of sensation.
Telepheme : A message by a telephone.
Telephone : An instrument for reproducing sounds, especially articulate speech, at a distance. ;; To convey or announce by telephone.
Telephone exchange : A central office in which the wires of telephones may be connected to permit conversation.
: Telephonic, Telephonically, Telephony, Telephote, Telephoto, Telephotograph, Telephotographic, Telephotography, Telepolariscope, Telerythin
: Telenergy, Telengiscope, Teleocephial, Teleological, Teleologist, Teleology, Teleophore, Teleorganic, Teleosaur, Teleosaurus
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary