Vocabulary : Tell to Tellurate
Tell : To mention one by one, or piece by piece; to recount; to enumerate; to reckon; to number; to count; as, to tell money. ;; To utter or recite in detail; to give an account of; to narrate. ;; To make known; to publish; to disclose; to divulge. ;; To give instruction to; to make report to; to acquaint; to teach; to inform. ;; To order; to request; to command. ;; To discern so as to report; to ascertain by observing; to find out; to discover; as, I can not tell where one color ends and the other begins. ;; To make account of; to regard; to reckon; to value; to estimate. ;; To give an account; to make report. ;; To take effect; to produce a marked effect; as, every shot tells; every expression tells. ;; That which is told; tale; account. ;; A hill or mound.
Tellable : Capable of being told.
Tellen : Any species of Tellina.
Teller : One who tells, relates, or communicates; an informer, narrator, or describer. ;; One of four officers of the English Exchequer, formerly appointed to receive moneys due to the king and to pay moneys payable by the king. ;; An officer of a bank who receives and counts over money paid in, and pays money out on checks. ;; One who is appointed to count the votes given in a legislative body, public meeting, assembly, etc.
Tellership : The office or employment of a teller.
Tellina : A genus of marine bivalve mollusks having thin, delicate, and often handsomely colored shells.
Telling : of Tell ;; Operating with great effect; effective; as, a telling speech.
Telltale : A thing that serves to disclose something or give information; a hint or indication. ;; An arrangement consisting of long strips, as of rope, wire, or leather, hanging from a bar over railroad tracks, in such a position as to warn freight brakemen of their approach to a low overhead bridge. ;; Telling tales; babbling. ;; One who officiously communicates information of the private concerns of others; one who tells that which prudence should suppress. ;; A movable piece of ivory, lead, or other material, connected with the bellows of an organ, that gives notice, by its position, when the wind is exhausted. ;; A mechanical attachment to the steering wheel, which, in the absence of a tiller, shows the position of the helm. ;; A compass in the cabin of a vessel, usually placed where the captain can see it at all hours, and thus inform himself of the vessel's course. ;; A machine or contrivance for indicating or recording something, particularly for keeping a check upon employees, as factory hands, watchmen, driver
Tellural : Of or pertaining to the earth.
Tellurate : A salt of telluric acid.
: Telluret, Tellureted, Tellurhydric, Tellurian, Telluric, Telluride, Tellurism, Tellurite, Tellurium, Tellurize
: Telethermograph, Telethermometer, Teleutospore, Telford, Telfordize, Telfordized, Telfordizing, Telharmonic, Telharmonium, Telic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary