Vocabulary : Terraqueous to Terrenity
Terraqueous : Consisting of land and water; as, the earth is a terraqueous globe.
Terrar : See 2d Terrier, 2.
Terras : See /rass.
Terrasyllable : A word consisting of four syllables; a quadrisyllable.
Terreen : See Turren.
Terreity : Quality of being earthy; earthiness.
Terrel : A spherical magnet so placed that its poles, equator, etc., correspond to those of the earth.
Terremote : An earthquake.
Terrene : A tureen. ;; Of or pertaining to the earth; earthy; as, terrene substance. ;; Earthy; terrestrial. ;; The earth's surface; the earth. ;; The surface of the ground.
Terrenity : Earthiness; worldliness.
: Terreous, Terreplein, Terrestre, Terrestrial, Terrestrify, Terrestrious, Terret, Terre-tenant, Terre-verte, Terrible
: Terpsichore, Terpsichorean, Terra, Terra incognita, Terrace, Terraced, Terracing, Terraculture, Terrane, Terrapin
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary