Vocabulary : Tetraonid to Tetrapody
Tetraonid : A bird belonging to the tribe of which the genus Tetrao is the type, as the grouse, partridge, quail, and the like. Used also adjectively.
Tetrapetalous : Containing four distinct petals, or flower leaves; as, a tetrapetalous corolla.
Tetrapharmacom : Alt. of Tetrapharmacum
Tetrapharmacum : A combination of wax, resin, lard, and pitch, composing an ointment.
Tetraphenol : Furfuran.
Tetraphyllous : Having four leaves; consisting of four distinct leaves or leaflets.
Tetrapla : A Bible consisting of four different Greek versions arranged in four columns by Origen; hence, any version in four languages or four columns.
Tetrapnuemonian : One of the Tetrapneumona.
Tetrapod : An insect characterized by having but four perfect legs, as certain of the butterflies.
Tetrapody : A set of four feet; a measure or distance of four feet.
: Tetrapteran, Tetrapterous, Tetraptote, Tetrarch, Tetrarchate, Tetrarchical, Tetrarchies, Tetrarchy, Tetraschistic, Tetrasepalous
: Tetralogy, Tetramera, Tetramerous, Tetrameter, Tetramethylene, Tetramorph, Tetrandria, Tetrandrian, Tetrandrous, Tetraneumona
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary