Vocabulary : Text-hand to Textuarist
Text-hand : A large hand in writing; -- so called because it was the practice to write the text of a book in a large hand and the notes in a smaller hand.
Textile : Pertaining to weaving or to woven fabrics; as, textile arts; woven, capable of being woven; formed by weaving; as, textile fabrics. ;; That which is, or may be, woven; a fabric made by weaving.
Textman : One ready in quoting texts.
Textmen : of Textman
Textorial : Of or pertaining to weaving.
Textrine : Of or pertaining to weaving, textorial; as, the textrine art.
Textual : Of, pertaining to, or contained in, the text; as, textual criticism; a textual reading. ;; Serving for, or depending on, texts. ;; Familiar with texts or authorities so as to cite them accurately.
Textualist : A textman; a textuary.
Textually : In a textual manner; in the text or body of a work; in accordance with the text.
Textuarist : A textuary.
: Textuary, Textuel, Textuist, Textural, Texture, Textured, Texturing, Textury, Teyne, Th
: Tewed, Tewel, Tewhit, Tewing, Tewtaw, Texas, Texas Leaguer, Text, Text hand, Text-book
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary