Vocabulary : Theave to Thecasporous
Theave : A ewe lamb of the first year; also, a sheep three years old.
Thebaic : Of or pertaining to Thebes in Egypt; specifically, designating a version of the Bible preserved by the Copts, and esteemed of great value by biblical scholars. This version is also called the Sahidic version.
Thebaid : A Latin epic poem by Statius about Thebes in Boeotia.
Thebaine : A poisonous alkaloid, C19H21NO3, found in opium in small quantities, having a sharp, astringent taste, and a tetanic action resembling that of strychnine.
Theban : Of or pertaining to Thebes. ;; A native or inhabitant of Thebes; also, a wise man.
Theca : A sheath; a case; as, the theca, or cell, of an anther; the theca, or spore case, of a fungus; the theca of the spinal cord. ;; The chitinous cup which protects the hydranths of certain hydroids. ;; The more or less cuplike calicle of a coral. ;; The wall forming a calicle of a coral.
Thecae : of Theca
Thecal : Of or pertaining to a theca; as, a thecal abscess.
Thecaphore : A surface or organ bearing a theca, or covered with thecae. ;; See Basigynium.
Thecasporous : Having the spores in thecae, or cases.
: Thecata, Thecla, Thecodactyl, Thecodont, Thecodontia, Thecophora, Thecosomata, Thedom, Thee, Theft
: Thearchic, Thearchy, Theater, Theatin, Theatine, Theatral, Theatre, Theatric, Theatrical, Theatricals
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary