Vocabulary : Theocracy to Theogonism

Theocracy : Government of a state by the immediate direction or administration of God; hence, the exercise of political authority by priests as representing the Deity. ;; The state thus governed, as the Hebrew commonwealth before it became a kingdom.
Theocrasy : A mixture of the worship of different gods, as of Jehovah and idols. ;; An intimate union of the soul with God in contemplation, -- an ideal of the Neoplatonists and of some Oriental mystics.
Theocrat : One who lives under a theocratic form of government; one who in civil affairs conforms to divine law.
Theocratic : Alt. of Theocratical
Theocratical : Of or pertaining to a theocracy; administred by the immediate direction of God; as, the theocratical state of the Israelites.
Theodicy : A vindication of the justice of God in ordaining or permitting natural and moral evil. ;; That department of philosophy which treats of the being, perfections, and government of God, and the immortality of the soul.
Theodolite : An instrument used, especially in trigonometrical surveying, for the accurate measurement of horizontal angles, and also usually of vertical angles. It is variously constructed.
Theodolitic : Of or pertaining to a theodolite; made by means of a theodolite; as, theodolitic observations.
Theogonic : Of or relating to theogony.
Theogonism : Theogony.
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