Vocabulary : Thermocautery to Thermodynamic
Thermocautery : Cautery by the application of heat.
Thermochemic : Alt. of Thermochemical
Thermochemical : Of or pertaining to thermochemistry; obtained by, or employed in, thermochemistry.
Thermochemistry : That branch of chemical science which includes the investigation of the various relations existing between chemical action and that manifestation of force termed heat, or the determination of the heat evolved by, or employed in, chemical actions.
Thermochroic : Pert. to or designating heat rays that have undergone selective absorption and are therefore analogous to colored light rays.
Thermochrosy : The property possessed by heat of being composed, like light, of rays of different degrees of refrangibility, which are unequal in rate or degree of transmission through diathermic substances.
Thermocouple : A thermoelectric couple.
Thermocurrent : A current developed or set in motion by heat; specif., an electric current, in a heterogeneous circuit, due to differences of temperature between the junctions of the substances of which the circuit is composed. ;; A current, as of electricity, developed, or set in motion, by the action of heat.
Thermodin : A white crystalline substance derived from urethane, used in medicine as an antipyretic, etc.
Thermodynamic : Relating to thermodynamics; caused or operated by force due to the application of heat.
: Thermodynamics, Thermoelectric, Thermoelectric couple, Thermoelectricity, Thermoelectrometer, Thermogen, Thermogenic, Thermogenous, Thermogram, Thermograph
: Thermantidote, Thermetograph, Thermic, Thermidor, Thermifugine, Thermo-, Thermoanaesthesia, Thermobarograph, Thermobarometer, Thermobattery
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary