Vocabulary : Thermography to Thermometric

Thermography : Any process of writing involving the use of heat.
Thermojunction : A junction of two dissimilar conductors used to produce a thermoelectric current, as in one form of pyrometer; a thermocouple.
Thermology : A discourse on, or an account of, heat.
Thermoluminescence : Luminescence exhibited by a substance on being moderately heated. It is shown esp. by certain substances that have been exposed to the action of light or to the cathode rays.
Thermolysis : The resolution of a compound into parts by heat; dissociation by heat.
Thermolytic : Of or pertaining to thermolysis.
Thermolyze : To subject to thermolysis; to dissociate by heat.
Thermomagnetism : Magnetism as affected or caused by the action of heat; the relation of heat to magnetism.
Thermometer : An instrument for measuring temperature, founded on the principle that changes of temperature in bodies are accompained by proportional changes in their volumes or dimensions.
Thermometric : Alt. of Thermometrical
Next : Thermometrical, Thermometrically, Thermometrograph, Thermometry, Thermomotor, Thermomultiplier, Thermoneurosis, Thermoneutrality, Thermophilic, Thermophone
Previous : Thermodynamics, Thermoelectric, Thermoelectric couple, Thermoelectricity, Thermoelectrometer, Thermogen, Thermogenic, Thermogenous, Thermogram, Thermograph
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