Vocabulary : Thermophore to Thermosystaltic
Thermophore : An apparatus for conveying heat, as a case containing material which retains its heat for a considerable period.Thermopile : An instrument of extreme sensibility, used to determine slight differences and degrees of heat. It is composed of alternate bars of antimony and bismuth, or any two metals having different capacities for the conduction of heat, connected with an astatic galvanometer, which is very sensibly affected by the electric current induced in the system of bars when exposed even to the feeblest degrees of heat.
Thermoregulator : A device for the automatic regulation of temperature; a thermostat.
Thermoscope : An instrument for indicating changes of temperature without indicating the degree of heat by which it is affected; especially, an instrument contrived by Count Rumford which, as modified by Professor Leslie, was afterward called the differential thermometer.
Thermoscopic : Of or pertaining to the thermoscope; made by means of the thermoscope; as, thermoscopic observations.