Vocabulary : Thermotonus to Thesauri
Thermotonus : A condition of tonicity with respect to temperature.
Thermotropic : Manifesting thermotropism.
Thermotropism : The phenomenon of turning towards a source of warmth, seen in the growing parts of some plants.
Thermotype : A picture (as of a slice of wood) obtained by first wetting the object slightly with hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid, then taking an impression with a press, and next strongly heating this impression.
Thermotypy : The art or process of obtaining thermotypes.
Thermovoltaic : Of or relating to heat and electricity; especially, relating to thermal effects produced by voltaic action.
Theroid : Resembling a beast in nature or habit; marked by animal characteristics; as, theroid idiocy.
Theromorpha : See Theriodonta.
Theropoda : An order of carnivorous dinosaurs in which the feet are less birdlike, and hence more like those of an ordinary quadruped, than in the Ornithopoda. It includes the rapacious genera Megalosaurus, Creosaurus, and their allies.
Thesauri : of Thesaurus
: Thesaurus, These, Theses, Thesicle, Thesis, Thesmothete, Thespian, Thessalian, Thessalonian, Theta
: Thermotactic, Thermotank, Thermotaxic, Thermotaxis, Thermotensile, Thermotension, Thermotherapy, Thermotic, Thermotical, Thermotics
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary