Vocabulary : Thickened to Thickset

Thickened : of Thicken
Thickening : of Thicken ;; Something put into a liquid or mass to make it thicker.
Thicket : A wood or a collection of trees, shrubs, etc., closely set; as, a ram caught in a thicket.
Thickhead : A thick-headed or stupid person. ;; Any one of several species of Australian singing birds of the genus Pachycephala. The males of some of the species are bright-colored. Some of the species are popularly called thrushes.
Thick-headed : Having a thick skull; stupid.
Thickish : Somewhat thick.
Thick-knee : A stone curlew. See under Stone.
Thickly : In a thick manner; deeply; closely.
Thickness : The quality or state of being thick (in any of the senses of the adjective).
Thickset : Close planted; as, a thickset wood; a thickset hedge. ;; Having a short, thick body; stout. ;; A close or thick hedge. ;; A stout, twilled cotton cloth; a fustian corduroy, or velveteen.
Next : Thickskin, Thick-skinned, Thickskull, Thick-skulled, Thick-winded, Thider, Thiderward, Thief, Thiefly, Thienone
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