Vocabulary : Thienyl to Thigmotaxis

Thienyl : The hypothetical radical C4H3S, regarded as the essential residue of thiophene and certain of its derivatives.
Thieve : To practice theft; to steal.
Thieved : of Thieve
Thievery : The practice of stealing; theft; thievishness. ;; That which is stolen.
Thieves : of Thief
Thieving : of Thieve
Thievish : Given to stealing; addicted to theft; as, a thievish boy, a thievish magpie. ;; Like a thief; acting by stealth; sly; secret. ;; Partaking of the nature of theft; accomplished by stealing; dishonest; as, a thievish practice.
Thigh : The proximal segment of the hind limb between the knee and the trunk. See Femur. ;; The coxa, or femur, of an insect.
Thigmotactic : Of or pertaining to thigmotaxis.
Thigmotaxis : The property possessed by living protoplasm of contracting, and thus moving, when touched by a solid or fluid substance.
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