Vocabulary : Thornless to Thoroughfare

Thornless : Destitute of, or free from, thorns.
Thornset : Set with thorns.
Thorntail : A beautiful South American humming bird (Gouldia Popelairii), having the six outer tail feathers long, slender, and pointed. The head is ornamented with a long, pointed crest.
Thorny : Full of thorns or spines; rough with thorns; spiny; as, a thorny wood; a thorny tree; a thorny crown. ;; Like a thorn or thorns; hence, figuratively, troublesome; vexatious; harassing; perplexing.
Thoro : Thorough.
Thorough : Through. ;; Passing through; as, thorough lights in a house. ;; Passing through or to the end; hence, complete; perfect; as, a thorough reformation; thorough work; a thorough translator; a thorough poet. ;; Thoroughly. ;; Through. ;; A furrow between two ridges, to drain off the surface water.
Thorough bass : The representation of chords by figures placed under the base; figured bass; basso continuo; -- sometimes used as synonymous with harmony.
Thorough-brace : A leather strap supporting the body of a carriage, and attached to springs, or serving as a spring. See Illust. of Chaise.
Thoroughbred : Bred from the best blood through a long line; pure-blooded; -- said of stock, as horses. Hence, having the characteristics of such breeding; mettlesome; courageous; of elegant form, or the like. ;; A thoroughbred animal, especially a horse.
Thoroughfare : A passage through; a passage from one street or opening to another; an unobstructed way open to the public; a public road; hence, a frequented street. ;; A passing or going through; passage.
Next : Thoroughgoing, Thorough-lighted, Thoroughly, Thoroughness, Thoroughpaced, Thoroughpin, Thoroughsped, Thoroughstitch, Thoroughwax, Thoroughwort
Previous : Thoria, Thoric, Thorite, Thorium, Thorn, Thornback, Thornbill, Thornbird, Thornbut, Thorn-headed
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