Vocabulary : Three-lobed to Three-pointed

Three-lobed : Having three lobes.
Three-mile : Of or pertaining to three miles; as, the three-mile limit, or the limit of the marine belt (the three-mile belt / zone) of three miles included in territorial waters (which see) of a state.
Three-nerved : Having three nerves.
Three-parted : Divided into, or consisting of, three parts; tripartite.
Threepence : A small silver coin of three times the value of a penny.
Threepenny : Costing or worth three pence; hence, worth but little; poor; mean.
Three-pile : An old name for the finest and most costly kind of velvet, having a fine, thick pile.
Three-piled : Having the quality of three-pile; best; most costly. ;; Fig.: Extravagant; exaggerated; high-flown. ;; Accustomed to wearing three-pile; hence, of high rank, or wealth.
Three-ply : Consisting of three distinct webs inwrought together in weaving, as cloth or carpeting; having three strands; threefold.
Three-pointed : Having three acute or setigerous points; tricuspidate.
Next : Three-port, Three-quarter, Three-score, Three-sided, Three-square, Three-torque system of control, Three-valved, Three-way, Threne, Threnetic
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