Vocabulary : Threnetical to Thresh-fold
Threnetical : Pertaining to a threne; sorrowful; mournful.
Threnode : A threne, or threnody; a dirge; a funeral song.
Threnodist : One who composes, delivers, or utters, a threnode, or threnody.
Threnody : A song of lamentation; a threnode.
Threpe : To call; to term.
Threpsology : The doctrine of nutrition; a treatise on nutrition.
Thresh : To beat out grain from, as straw or husks; to beat the straw or husk of (grain) with a flail; to beat off, as the kernels of grain; as, to thrash wheat, rye, or oats; to thrash over the old straw. ;; To beat soundly, as with a stick or whip; to drub. ;; To practice thrashing grain or the like; to perform the business of beating grain from straw; as, a man who thrashes well. ;; Hence, to labor; to toil; also, to move violently. ;; Same as Thrash.
Threshed : of Thresh
Thresher : One who, or that which, thrashes grain; a thrashing machine. ;; A large and voracious shark (Alopias vulpes), remarkable for the great length of the upper lobe of its tail, with which it beats, or thrashes, its prey. It is found both upon the American and the European coasts. Called also fox shark, sea ape, sea fox, slasher, swingle-tail, and thrasher shark. ;; A name given to the brown thrush and other allied species. See Brown thrush. ;; Same as Thrasher.
Thresh-fold : Threshold.
: Threshing, Threshold, Threshwold, Threst, Threste, Thretteen, Thretty, Threw, Thribble, Thrice
: Three-port, Three-quarter, Three-score, Three-sided, Three-square, Three-torque system of control, Three-valved, Three-way, Threne, Threnetic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary