Vocabulary : Throatlatch to Thrombin

Throatlatch : A strap of a bridle, halter, or the like, passing under a horse's throat.
Throatwort : A plant (Campanula Trachelium) formerly considered a remedy for sore throats because of its throat-shaped corolla.
Throaty : Guttural; hoarse; having a guttural voice.
Throb : To beat, or pulsate, with more than usual force or rapidity; to beat in consequence of agitation; to palpitate; -- said of the heart, pulse, etc. ;; A beat, or strong pulsation, as of the heart and arteries; a violent beating; a papitation:
Throbbed : of Throb
Throbbing : of Throb
Throdden : To grow; to thrive.
Throe : Extreme pain; violent pang; anguish; agony; especially, one of the pangs of travail in childbirth, or purturition. ;; A tool for splitting wood into shingles; a frow. ;; To struggle in extreme pain; to be in agony; to agonize. ;; To put in agony.
Thrombi : of Thrombus
Thrombin : The fibrin ferment which produces the formation of fibrin from fibrinogen.
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