Vocabulary : Thyrotomy to Thysanopterous
Thyrotomy : The operation of cutting into the thyroid cartilage.
Thyrse : A thyrsus.
Thyrsi : of Thyrsus
Thyrsoid : Alt. of Thyrsoidal
Thyrsoidal : Having somewhat the form of a thyrsus.
Thyrsus : A staff entwined with ivy, and surmounted by a pine cone, or by a bunch of vine or ivy leaves with grapes or berries. It is an attribute of Bacchus, and of the satyrs and others engaging in Bacchic rites. ;; A species of inflorescence; a dense panicle, as in the lilac and horse-chestnut.
Thysanopter : One of the Thysanoptera.
Thysanoptera : A division of insects, considered by some writers a distinct order, but regarded by others as belonging to the Hemiptera. They are all of small size, and have narrow, broadly fringed wings with rudimentary nervures. Most of the species feed upon the juices of plants, and some, as those which attack grain, are very injurious to crops. Called also Physopoda. See Thrips.
Thysanopteran : One of the Thysanoptera.
Thysanopterous : Of or pertaining to the Thysanoptera.
: Thysanura, Thysanuran, Thysanurous, Thysbe, Thyself, Tiar, Tiara, Tiaraed, Tib-cat, Tibia
: Thymic, Thymol, Thymus, Thymy, Thyro-, Thyroarytenoid, Thyrohyal, Thyrohyoid, Thyroid, Thyroideal
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