Vocabulary : Tibiae to Tibrie
Tibiae : of Tibia
Tibial : Of or pertaining to a tibia. ;; Of or pertaining to a pipe or flute. ;; A tibial bone; a tibiale.
Tibiale : The bone or cartilage of the tarsus which articulates with the tibia and corresponds to a part of the astragalus in man and most mammals.
Tibialia : of Tibiale
Tibicinate : To play on a tibia, or pipe.
Tibio- : A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the tibia; as, tibiotarsus, tibiofibular.
Tibiotarsal : Of or pertaining to both to the tibia and the tarsus; as, the tibiotarsal articulation. ;; Of or pertaining to the tibiotarsus.
Tibiotarsi : of Tibiotarsus
Tibiotarsus : The large bone between the femur and tarsometatarsus in the leg of a bird. It is formed by the union of the proximal part of the tarsus with the tibia.
Tibrie : The pollack.
: Tic, Tical, Tice, Ticement, Tichorrhine, Tick, Ticked, Ticken, Ticker, Ticket
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: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary