Vocabulary : Tinged to Tink
Tinged : of Tinge
Tingeing : of Tinge
Tingent : Having the power to tinge.
Tinger : One who, or that which, tinges.
Tingid : Of or pertaining to the genus Tingis.
Tingis : A genus of small hemipterous insects which injure trees by sucking the sap from the leaves. See Illustration in Appendix.
Tingle : To feel a kind of thrilling sensation, as in hearing a shrill sound. ;; To feel a sharp, thrilling pain. ;; To have, or to cause, a sharp, thrilling sensation, or a slight pricking sensation.
Tingled : of Tingle
Tingling : of Tingle
Tink : To make a sharp, shrill noise; to tinkle. ;; A sharp, quick sound; a tinkle.
: Tinker, Tinkered, Tinkering, Tinkerly, Tinkershire, Tinkle, Tinkled, Tinkler, Tinkling, Tinman
: Tine, Tinea, Tinean, Tined, Tineid, Tineman, Tinemen, Tinet, Ting, Tinge
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary