Vocabulary : Tire-woman to Tirralirra

Tire-woman : A lady's maid. ;; A dresser in a theater.
Tire-women : of Tire-woman
Tiring : of Tire
Tiring-house : A tiring-room.
Tiring-room : The room or place where players dress for the stage.
Tirl : To quiver; to vibrate; to veer about. ;; To make a ratting or clattering sound by twirling or shaking; as, to tirl at the pin, or latch, of a door.
Tirma : The oyster catcher.
Tiro : Same as Tyro.
Tironian : Of or pertaining to Tiro, or a system of shorthand said to have been introduced by him into ancient Rome.
Tirralirra : A verbal imitation of a musical sound, as of the note of a lark or a horn.
Next : Tirrit, Tirwit, Tisane, Tisar, Tisic, Tisical, Tisicky, Tisri, Tissue, Tissued
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