Vocabulary : Toadies to Toasted
Toadies : of Toady
Toadish : Like a toad.
Toadlet : A small toad.
Toadstone : A local name for the igneous rocks of Derbyshire, England; -- said by some to be derived from the German todter stein, meaning dead stone, that is, stone which contains no ores. ;; Bufonite, formerly regarded as a precious stone, and worn as a jewel. See Bufonite.
Toadstool : A name given to many umbrella-shaped fungi, mostly of the genus Agaricus. The species are almost numberless. They grow on decaying organic matter.
Toady : A mean flatterer; a toadeater; a sycophant. ;; A coarse, rustic woman. ;; To fawn upon with mean sycophancy.
Toadying : of Toady
Toadyism : The practice of meanly fawning on another; base sycophancy; servile adulation.
Toast : To dry and brown by the heat of a fire; as, to toast bread. ;; To warm thoroughly; as, to toast the feet. ;; To name when a health is proposed to be drunk; to drink to the health, or in honor, of; as, to toast a lady. ;; Bread dried and browned before a fire, usually in slices; also, a kind of food prepared by putting slices of toasted bread into milk, gravy, etc. ;; A lady in honor of whom persons or a company are invited to drink; -- so called because toasts were formerly put into the liquor, as a great delicacy. ;; Hence, any person, especially a person of distinction, in honor of whom a health is drunk; hence, also, anything so commemorated; a sentiment, as "The land we live in," "The day we celebrate," etc.
Toasted : of Toast
: Toaster, Toasting, Toastmaster, Toat, Tobacco, Tobacconing, Tobacconist, To-beat, Tobias fish, Tobie
: Tiza, To, To-, To compound a felony, Toad, Toadeater, Toadfish, Toadflax, Toadhead, Toadied
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary