Vocabulary : Tolerate to Tolled
Tolerate : To suffer to be, or to be done, without prohibition or hindrance; to allow or permit negatively, by not preventing; not to restrain; to put up with; as, to tolerate doubtful practices.
Tolerated : of Tolerate
Tolerating : of Tolerate
Toleration : The act of tolerating; the allowance of that which is not wholly approved. ;; Specifically, the allowance of religious opinions and modes of worship in a state when contrary to, or different from, those of the established church or belief. ;; Hence, freedom from bigotry and severity in judgment of the opinions or belief of others, especially in respect to religious matters.
Toling : of Tole
Toll : To take away; to vacate; to annul. ;; To draw; to entice; to allure. See Tole. ;; To cause to sound, as a bell, with strokes slowly and uniformly repeated; as, to toll the funeral bell. ;; To strike, or to indicate by striking, as the hour; to ring a toll for; as, to toll a departed friend. ;; To call, summon, or notify, by tolling or ringing. ;; To sound or ring, as a bell, with strokes uniformly repeated at intervals, as at funerals, or in calling assemblies, or to announce the death of a person. ;; The sound of a bell produced by strokes slowly and uniformly repeated. ;; A tax paid for some liberty or privilege, particularly for the privilege of passing over a bridge or on a highway, or for that of vending goods in a fair, market, or the like. ;; A liberty to buy and sell within the bounds of a manor. ;; A portion of grain taken by a miller as a compensation for grinding. ;; To pay toll or tallage. ;; To take toll; to raise a tax. ;; To collect, as a toll.
Tollable : Subject to the payment of toll; as, tollable goods.
Tollage : Payment of toll; also, the amount or quantity paid as toll.
Tollbooth : A place where goods are weighed to ascertain the duties or toll. ;; In Scotland, a burgh jail; hence, any prison, especially a town jail. ;; To imprison in a tollbooth.
Tolled : of Toll
: Toller, Tolletane, Tollgate, Tollhouse, Tollhouses, Tolling, Tollman, Tollmen, Tolmen, Tolsester
: Tolane, Tolbooth, Told, Tole, Toled, Toledo, Tolerable, Tolerabolity, Tolerance, Tolerant
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary