Vocabulary : Took to Toon

Took : of Take ;; imp. of Take.
Tool : To travel in a vehicle; to ride or drive. ;; An instrument such as a hammer, saw, plane, file, and the like, used in the manual arts, to facilitate mechanical operations; any instrument used by a craftsman or laborer at his work; an implement; as, the tools of a joiner, smith, shoe-maker, etc.; also, a cutter, chisel, or other part of an instrument or machine that dresses work. ;; A machine for cutting or shaping materials; -- also called machine tool. ;; Hence, any instrument of use or service. ;; A weapon. ;; A person used as an instrument by another person; -- a word of reproach; as, men of intrigue have their tools, by whose agency they accomplish their purposes. ;; To shape, form, or finish with a tool. ;; To drive, as a coach.
Tool steel : Hard steel, usually crucible steel, capable of being tempered so as to be suitable for tools.
tooled : of Tool
Tooling : of Tool ;; Work performed with a tool.
Tool-post : Alt. of Tool-stock
Tool-rest : the part that supports a tool-post or a tool.
Tool-stock : The part of a tool-rest in which a cutting tool is clamped.
Toom : Empty. ;; To empty.
Toon : pl. of Toe. ;; The reddish brown wood of an East Indian tree (Cedrela Toona) closely resembling the Spanish cedar; also. the tree itself.
Next : Toonwood, Toot, Tooted, Tooter, Tooth, Toothache, Toothback, Toothbill, Toothbrush, Toothdrawer
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