Vocabulary : Torchwort to Torgoch
Torchwort : The common mullein, the stalks of which, dipped in suet, anciently served for torches. Called also torch, and hig-taper.
Tore : of Tear ;; imp. of Tear. ;; The dead grass that remains on mowing land in winter and spring. ;; Same as Torus. ;; The surface described by the circumference of a circle revolving about a straight line in its own plane. ;; The solid inclosed by such a surface; -- sometimes called an anchor ring.
Toreador : A bullfighter.
To-rend : To rend in pieces.
To-rent : of To-rend
Toret : A Turret. ;; A ring for fastening a hawk's leash to the jesses; also, a ring affixed to the collar of a dog, etc.
Toreumatography : A description of sculpture such as bas-relief in metal.
Toreumatology : The art or the description of scupture such as bas-relief in metal; toreumatography.
Toreutic : In relief; pertaining to sculpture in relief, especially of metal; also, pertaining to chasing such as surface ornamentation in metal.
Torgoch : The saibling.
: Tori, Tories, Torilto, Torinese, Torment, tormented, Tormenter, Tormentful, Tormentil, Tormenting
: Torbernite, Torc, Torch, Torch race, Torchbearer, Torcher, Torchlight, Torchon lace, Torchon paper, Torchwood
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary