Vocabulary : Torpidity to Torquate
Torpidity : Same as Torpidness.
Torpidly : In a torpid manner.
Torpidness : The qualityy or state of being torpid.
Torpified : of Torpify
Torpify : To make torpid; to numb, or benumb.
Torpifying : of Torpify
Torpitude : Torpidness.
Torpor : Loss of motion, or of the motion; a state of inactivity with partial or total insensibility; numbness. ;; Dullness; sluggishness; inactivity; as, a torpor of the mental faculties.
Torporific : Tending to produce torpor.
Torquate : Collared; having a torques, or distinct colored ring around the neck.
: torquated, Torque, Torqued, Torques, Torrefaction, Torrefied, Torrefy, Torrefying, Torrens system, Torrent
: Torpedo shell, Torpedo station, Torpedo stern, Torpedo tube, Torpedo-boat destroyer, Torpedoes, Torpedoist, Torpent, Torpescence, Torpid
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